May 2019 Newsletter

Issue 52 May 2019

Welcome to the May edition of Schull District and Community Council Newsletter.
Easter always signals the end of Winter and that was especially true this year. Visitors and locals revelled
in the wonderful weather and there was a palpable sense of exuberance as we celebrated the Spring.
It was heartening to see so many people taking advantage of everything that the countryside and the sea
have to offer here in Schull. There were at least three family fun runs, in Schull, Ahakista and Goleen.
Everyone took part, small people were pushed in their buggies by various (grand)parents, little 5-year-old
legs ran gallantly with parents and friends and it was all great fun. Plenty of people took to the water,
both on it and in it, and that was fun too.

The annual Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by Fastnet Film Festival, Schull Business & Tourism Association and SDCC was a major hit with hundreds of children and their parents taking part.

Our local first responders in the Fire Brigade and the Coast Guard are always on call to make sure that
everyone is safe. They really are our local heroes. We look forward to a Summer of safe and happy
outdoor activity.

Schull Darkness Into Light 5km Walk

Schull Darkness Into Light 5km Walk will take place on Saturday May 11 th starting at 4.15am at the Parish
Hall. This is a first for Schull and we are hoping to make it a memorable event . Each year thousands upon
thousands of people walk together from Darkness into Light all over the world to assist the fantastic work
of Pieta House. Before the walk begins, the senior branch of Schull Girl Guides will lead in the singing of
“Walk Me Home” by Pink. You can register on and select Schull as your venue.
Further information can be got by phoning 085 107 8910. If you can't do the walk you can still go on lineand donate if you would like to support this very worthwhile cause.

Ballydehob Jazz Festival

This year’s Ballydehob Jazz Festival takes place from the 3 rd to the 6 th of May
(Bank Holiday Weekend). A super programme of Events is in place and you can find all the details at and you can keep an eye on proceedings on the Ballydehob Jazz Festival
page on Facebook.

Local elections May 24th

Local elections on May 24 th When the candidates for the local elections come calling on your door asking
for your vote please make sure that you ask them about their support of the proposed Harbour
Development in Schull. This initiative, which is supported by all the groups who use the Harbour and by all
the local community bodies, is in vital need of government funding to get started.

Fastnet Film Festival

The festival, now in its 11 th year, will run from Wednesday 22 nd to Sunday 26 th May.
The festival was launched on 25 th April at the ‘Cinematographer’s Party’ at The Crane Lane Theatre, Cork.
Speakers at the event included Chairperson of the festival John Kelleher and Award winning Director
Carmel Winters. The most exciting news announced on the night was the inclusion of Saoirse Ronan in
the programme and that Roddy Doyle would host a scriptwriter’s workshop and take part in a Q&A. Other guests announced were Paddy Breathnach, Carmel Winters, Moe Dunford, Sarah Greene, Jim Sheridan, Ed Guiney, Hazel Doupe and many more. The line up this year is unprecedented with over 50 expert guests taking part.
Featured at the festival will be in excess of 13 feature length films, 300 short film screenings and Local
Interest Films. This Year’s World Cinema Programme will focus on Iceland to include three features and a
short film programme curated by the Icelandic Film Institute.
Tickets for Festival events are available online at and the Box Office will be
open at the Film Centre (old AIB Bank) daily from 12 to 4pm from now until Saturday May 12 th . From
Monday May 13 th the Box Office will be open from 10am until 5pm up until the Festival. Full programme
details are now available online.

Clean-Up of Schull Village

Clean-Up of Schull Village will be happening on the evening of Friday May 18th at 5pm in advance of the
Film Festival. The Road Sweeper/Washer will clean Main Street at 7am that morning so please keep the
street free of parked cars overnight on May 17 th /morning of May 18 th . A film crew will be on location for
the duration of the Festival so we are asking if everyone could please come out and help to make everyplace look shiny and bright to make Schull look even more beautiful. We want to showcase Schull
for the beautiful village that it is.

Vitamin Sea

Vitamin Sea The RTE programme which featured Ciara Ferguson and other local swimmers from Schull
will be shown as part of the Fastnet Film Festival. There will be a special screening on Sunday afternoon
at the Castlepoint Gallery. The Directors will host a Q&A and some of the participants will also be present.

Sheena Jolley – local wildlife photographer

Sheena Jolley – local wildlife photographer – was a guest on the RTE Today show with Maura and Dáithí
on Wednesday April 24th. This show is still available for viewing on the RTE Player. Sheena’s Gallery at
The Mill House in Coosheen is open to the public from 9am to 5pm daily.

Le Guilvinec/Schull Twinning

An action-packed week was organised by the Guilvinec Committee for the recent French-Irish exchange between the fishing town of Guilvinec and Schull. An afternoon of painting of the Guilvinec Lighthouse was just one of the highlights for the adults under the guidance of craftsman, Senta Lécolle. The five families that travelled from Ireland also enjoyed a visit around Penmarc’h, which boasts some spectacular landmarks and views, such as Eckmuhl Lighthouse, the tulip fields, St. Guénolé rocks and the expansive beach of La Torche. Another day was spent at the old town of Quimper with its unique gothic-style Cathedral and Breton Museum.
Some great friendships were formed between the French and Irish children at activities in the former
school at Ty Malamok followed by a friendly kickaround between some of the Bunratty United AFC
players and FC Treffiagat-Guilvinec and their families. There were tears and promises of return visits on
the final day at the farewell lunch and a few hours later the Irish families navigated their way to Roscoff
port and boarded the Pont Aven to Cork.

Schull Meals on Wheels

Schull Meals on Wheels are delighted and very proud to have Ellen Logan back in the Meals on Wheels
kitchen having won the individual category in the Lord Mayor's awards in the County Hall Cork, in
recognition of all the work she does in our community. Congratulations and very well deserved Ellen.

Schull Harbour Hotel is now an official Fáilte Ireland hotel on the Wild Atlantic Way. Well done to all the
team in achieving this accolade. The hotel is currently hiring Staff for Full time and Summer Positions,
contact the reception Team or drop in a CV. Food is served daily from 12 until 9 in O’Brien’s Bar, Chapters Restaurant is open Friday; Saturday evening for Dinner and Sunday afternoon for Lunch.
Midweek Madness is available from Sunday to Thursday. The offer includes 2 Nights B&B and one 2-
Course Evening Meal for 2 people from €199. This offer is running until the end of May. A 3rd Night can
be added for €70 per double room.

Celtic Challenge

Schull Yawl Rowing Club member Bridget Meagher is taking part in the Celtic Challenge from Arklow to
Aberystwyth on the May Bank Holiday weekend. She is part of a team of 12 female rowers from across
Cork called “Beours with Oars” who are taking part to raise money for the Jack and Jill Foundation and
Medicin Sans Frontiers. Wishing her all the best. To donate please contact Bridget on 086 0585 490.

Sailing news

Fastnet Marine & Outdoor Education Centre will host the Irish Schools Team Racing
Championships on May 4 th and 5 th and Schull Harbour Sailing Club will resume its weekly race events fromSaturday May 11 th . It is heartening to see the Pontoon re-installed now that (hopefully) the worst of the weather for this year has passed.

Schull Drama Group  The Amadeus Project Workshop number seven was held on the last Monday in
April and this project is developing beautifully. The actors and production team are sharing their work,
ideas and time to develop the presentation of the award winning play, Amadeus, by Peter Shaffer. This
exciting project is a collaborative effort between PlayActing Theatre and Schull Drama Group and work
will continue for the next couple of months and then the team will take a break over the summer with
rehearsals resuming in September. Performances will be in Schull Parish Hall in the middle weekends in
October. Contact either group through their Facebook pages for more information or if you would like to
get involved. Follow the developments on the blog

Congratulations to Schull man Ger Minihane who directed Skibbereen Theatre Society’s production of
Martin McDonagh’s The Beauty Queen of Leenane and won numerous prizes. It made it all the way to the
All Ireland in Doonbeg where they were placed fourth.

Cycling Minihan’s to Mizen Fun Cycle in aid of Aughadown Community Council and Brú Columbanus (postponed due to bad weather in April) is now taking place on Saturday May 18 th  See the SchullTriathlon Club Facebook page for more details.

Tidy Towns has a busy month ahead with the clean-up for the Film Festival and lots of spring planting
going on. Every Saturday morning Tidy Towns volunteers do a Litter Pick and additional hands are always
very welcome. Meet at Pier Road Car Park at 10am – it’s only for a couple of hours.

Cork County Council Sarah Sinnott who has been the Area Engineer for the last number of years is moving on to the Marine Division of Cork County Council. We wish to thank her for her support of local initiativesand the successful projects that she has brought to Schull during her term here. We welcome her
successor Niall Chamberlain and look forward to working with him.

Bealtaine Art Work in Schull Library The Thursday Club at Schull Community Care & Social Centre has spent the past number of weeks working with artist Jackie Nevin to produce a beautiful tile artwork. The resulting artwork is now on display in Schull Library for the month of May as part of the Bealtaine Festival, Ireland&s national celebration of the arts and creativity as we age. The aim of this project was to engageparticipants in a collaborative creative activity that involved the exploration and use of new materials and processes. The project began with modelling clay. Each participant produced a clay tile that represented Spring. Moulds were taken of each individual tile and then replica tiles were cast in crushed stone and resin and finished using a combination of paint, powdered bronze and gilding wax. The painted tiles were then mounted on a wooden panel. The finished artwork is really outstanding and well worth a visit to the library to admire! Schull Community Care is grateful to the Cork County Council Arts Grant for the funding which enabled the project to take place.

Scoil Mhuire National School

Scoil Mhuire National School’s Fun Run which was held on April 7 th was a great success. Over €1400 was raised and this is going towards the purchase of new sports jerseys. The Little Way Charity Shop donated €500 to the event. Many thanks to everyone who contributed and well done to all the prize winners.
First Communion for Schull Mhuire Primary School children takes place on Saturday 4 th May. Best wishes to all in Second Class and their teachers – hope they all have a lovely day.

Congratulations to Laura Cronin and Martin Hunt on the safe arrival of baby Oisín Oran, to Robyn and
Finbarr Sheehan and their new baby Emmet Andrew and to Nora Kingston and Diarmuid O’Callaghan on
the arrival of baby Anna-Marie.
Congratulations to Neil Collins and Sarah Spicer who recently tied the knot.
Our sympathies to the family of Joe Duggan, Kilbrinogue, who died recently. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

What’s on in Schull
Acapellabella Community Choir New term starts on Thursday 2nd May 7.30-9.30pm. We have recently
moved our rehearsals into the Social Centre behind the Schull Parish Hall and Church and are happy to
welcome new members on any evening. Come along and enjoy meeting new people and learning a
variety of songs. This coming terms' focus will be on songs from countries to include Spain and Africa.

Blue House Gallery opened its new season on the 19th April with a group exhibition and a solo show of
David Begley's monoprints in the Boiler Room Gallery – a new addition upstairs. In May there will be two
Exhibition Opening's – 17th May – 'Alternative Views' with guest curator Ana Ospina and 'Hands' with
Cecilia Thole. Jane Jermyn's solo show is in the Boiler Gallery. On 31st May – 'Artists Spaces Photography'
with guest curators Geoff Greenham and Melanie Black with Paul Forde Cialis in the Boiler Room Gallery.
Country Market The Schull Country Market operates every Sunday from 10am until 2pm in the Pier Road
Car Park.
Grove House will be open for lunch from May Bank Holiday weekend. Every day from 12.30. Dinner
opening hours as usual. On Sunday May 26 th Paul and Tony are having a gig at 8pm. Doors open at 6 for
food and wine.
Acupuncturist Schull Lynn Deakin is available Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Phone 086 3210291
Melanie Furniss – Deep tissue relaxing massage. Phone 0851192423
Wellness Room Schull Contact the following for details: Susan Keogh MISCP , Chartered Physiotherapist
0872335292 Jena Malone , Neuro-muscular physical therapist 0863027439 Holli Massey, Nutrition and
lifestyle coach 0838665041
Daniel Morgan Fitness 1-2-1 training plan and or classes for Gym and spinning Phone 086 8756819 or
085 2444706
Schull Primary School Now have a morning and afternoon Club Service available. Contact 087 7754254.
Schull Bridge Club We have 5/6 tables in the Parochial Hall every Thursday evening at 8 to 11 p.m. cost
€5. Cash prizes. Free lessons (individual or group) are available – tel 028 28292.
Schull Parents and Toddlers Group Come and join us Every Wednesday morning in Schull parish hall from
10-12am during term time. €3 per family. Everyone is welcome.
Fastnet Trails There are eight signed Walks branching out from the Schull Trailhead that is located at the
entrance to the East End car park in Schull. These walks vary from easy to moderate in grade and they
“offer the walker a unique tapestry of landscapes and seascapes, where every turn allows a fresh view of
the heart of West Cork”
Outdoor Gym is located beside the Tennis Courts and is free to use by anyone over the age of 16.
Schull Yawl Rowing Club For enquiries about joining contact Clare on 086 877 3035
Schull Tennis Club meets every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 9.30am at the Tennis Courts. New
participants are always welcome.

Schull Services

Schull Meals on Wheels at the Social Centre or delivered to your home. Phone Nuala at 086 3159719
Schull Credit Union Opening times – Tuesdays and Fridays 9:30 am – 12:30 and 1:30 – 5 pm. Saturday 9:30
am – 1 pm. Phone 028 28666
Derryconnell Civic Amenity Centre – Open Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am – 12:30 pm & 1:30 pm – 4:20
pm. Saturdays 9 am – 1 pm.
Bus Times Schull to Cork: Mondays – Saturdays 08:05, 12:40 and 17:50. Sunday 16:30 only. Departs from
top of Main Street (outside the Film Centre/Old AIB Bank). Also check Bus Éireann on line for up-to-date
information. Route number is 237.

Mizen Medical Practice – all enquires and appointments phone 028 28311. Out of hours service phone
SouthDoc 1850-335-999
Drinagh Pharmacy Schull – 028 – 28108
AIB Mobile Community Banking – Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays Ballydehob – 9:30 am – 10:30 am.
Schull – 10:45 am – 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm. ATMs in Schull outside Brosnan’s Centra and inside
Mass Times – Mondays and Fridays 9 am in Schull, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 am in Goleen,
Wednesdays 10 am in Ballydehob. Saturday night Lowertown 8 pm. Sundays – Ballydehob 9:30 am, Schull
10:30 am and Goleen 12 noon.
Church of Ireland Services – Sundays Schull 10 am, Toormore 11:30 am, Ballydehob 11:30 am.
Schull Library Opening Hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – 2.30pm-5.30pm. Wednesday – 9.30am-
1pm & 2pm-5.30-pm. Saturday – 9.30am-1:30pm. Closed on Saturdays of bank holiday weekends. Closed
Mondays. Phone number 028 – 28290.
Schull Garda Station – 028 – 28111
Schull Coast Guard is on call 24/7. Call 999 or 112 if you are in trouble or if you see others that need

Editor’s Notes A very special Thank You and Well Done to Trich Deeney who produced and edited the
newsletter over the last number of months – much appreciated Trich.
Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to this month’s Newsletter. We are always delighted
to receive updates from any club, business, society, group, voluntary committee, etc. Please email your
news items or notification of upcoming events to on or before the 24 th of
each month.

TEXT: 086-8537888 or 085 8079584
PHONE: 028-27714 (office hours 9am – 5pm Mon to Fri)
CALL INTO: Atlantic School of English and Active Leisure, 10
Main Street, Schull, Co. Cork.



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