March 2020 Newsletter

Schull Newsletter Issue 62 March 2020

Published by Schull & District Community Council

Welcome to the March edition of Schull District and Community Council Newsletter.

“If Winter comes, Can Spring be far behind?”

A week is a long time in politics! The content of this newsletter was put together last week but so much has changed since, including the cancellation of the St Patrick’s Day parade.

But here is the March 2020 news as life was planned for week ago pre Covid-19 pandemic!…………………….


The Irish are very pragmatic in matters meteorological. We have to be, otherwise we’d be decamping, en masse, for somewhere warmer, calmer and drier. As it is, we tend to stick it out, while mining the rich seam of conversational possibilities offered by the vagaries of the weather. 2020 so far has been almost unrelievidly grim and everyone is hanging onto the promise of longer days and comforting sunshine as February turns into March.

Our national feast day, celebrating Saint Patrick, provides an opportunity to welcome the arrival of Spring and to shake of the gloom of the short, dark days of mid-winter.

As a nation we have many reasons to be proud. We take pride in our history, in our literature, in our sporting community, in our contribution to the arts, in being welcoming, tolerant and inclusive and in the beauty of our lovely country. On Saint Patrick’s Day in Schull this year everyone will have the opportunity to express that sense of pride. Take part in the parade as a member of one of the many local groups or come along as a spectator to watch the fun. Dress up, paint your face, wear a mad hat or a wig…. it’s going to be lots of fun .

The parade will, of course, be led by His Gloriousness, Saint Patrick, who has graciously consented to provide a commentary on the proceedings as well.

The Grand Marshals this year are the team from the Brú Columbanus shop. This flourishing enterprise has made a very significant contribution to the provision of accomodation for the friends and relatives of patients in CUH. Brú Columbanus is an imaginative initiative, making life easier for people who are often in difficult and distressing situations. It is fitting that these hard-working volunteers should be recognized by our community on this special day. Well done to them!

Everyone is welcome to take part in the parade. All you need to do is to turn up at the Garda Barracks at 1:45 on March 17th. The parade moves off at 2:30. Schull Girl Guides will be painting faces in the Parish Hall from 1pm.

After the parade, the Scoraíocht group is hosting a session in Schull Parish Hall. There will be music, singing and dancing and tea and coffee. There will be no charge for what promises to be a grand afternoon’s entertainment sponsored by Schull & District Community Council.

Not only is there going to be fun for everyone on the day, there will also be prizes, lots of prizes.

First prize for best adult float €100 First prize for best junior float €100 Second prize for best adult float €50 Second prize for best junior float €50 Prize for best business premises €50 Prize for best residential premises €50

Now, there is no excuse for not hurling yourself wholeheartedly in the celebrations on March 17th.

Turn up, celebrate Saint Patrick and your pride in being Irish and welcome Spring!

Schull Business & Tourism Association has put a call out for Advertisements in the 2020 version of the Discover Schull & The Mizen Guide. For details please visit and go to Advertise With Us section or email for more information.

Clean Coasts Roadshow will be hosting an event on Tuesday March 10th in Schull Harbour Hotel from 6pm to 8pm. The focus of this event will be coastal and riverine water quality. For further information visit

Scoraíocht Mór, St Patrick’s Day, Schull Parish Hall @ 3.30pm The Scoraíocht & Company team, Julia, Karen and Bridie, that usually present a monthly session in Newman’s Corner House, are moving to the Parish Hall at 3.30pm on St Patrick’s Day for a Scoraíocht Mór. Following in the footsteps of Sister Gabriel, who ran a fantastic session after the Schull parade for many years, the Scoraíocht will be a celebration of Schull community, using the same ‘Pride’ theme as the parade. There is an open invitation to join in, everyone is welcome to be an audience member or sing a song, recite a poem, dance a jig, read a story (of max. 3 minutes in length)…anything goes!! Use the theme as you wish, to reflect the pride we have in this community––for the talent, the spirit, the beauty, the open-heartedness. Refreshments will be served by the Schull Guides Group for a donation. The event is free to the community and is kindly supported and sponsored by Schull & District Community Council and also with the assistance of Pobal Hub, Creative Support Group.

Darkness Into Light Registration is now open for this year’s Darkness Into Light th

Walk which will take place on May 9 . To avail of early bird prices register now at If anyone has any queries please contact Ellen Logan on 085 1078910 and you can keep up-to-date on Schulldarknessintolight Facebook page.

Le Guilvinec Twinning Group is holding a Table Quiz on Saturday 14th March in Schull Harbour Hotel. Tables of 4 so “save the date” and get together with your friends for a fun evening.

Modern Botany are growing and moving to a new home. They are excited to let you know that they are moving premises this Spring to a new headquarters not too far away – just a hop, skip and jump to Ardmanagh Enterprise Centre. Unfortunately, they will be leaving the Main Street but new space is needed in order to expand. The Grand Opening of New MBHQ to be announced in the not too distant future.

Theatre Workshops You have a chance to try a two-day theatre workshop in March with Karen Minihan, on ‘Telling Your Story Through Theatre’. Taking place in Holy Trinity (COI) Hall on Pier Road, Schull, the workshop runs from 10am to 3pm on Saturday 14th March and Sat 28th March and will appeal to anyone interested in theatre, acting, directing or exploring!––whether you have no experience or a lot. The aim of the workshop is to look at telling stories ––whether true or creative––through theatre techniques and through the collaborative efforts of everyone involved. It will be full of creativity and fun. There is a cost of €130 for the two-day experience. For bookings or enquiries, you can contact Karen at 085 7492060.

Schull Triathlon Club in conjunction with Cork Sports Partnership are accepting registrations for a new Women’s Tri A Tri 6 week programme. It starts on Wed 18th March and for more information go to

St Mary’s Church Notice “It is Lent so let your light shine”. Please join in each Thursday evening during Lent for faith enrichment and scripture reflection at 8pm in St Mary’s Church meeting room in Schull.

Three Castle Head is closed off to the public until April 10th in order to let the ground recover from the high number of visitors. Access will be open on St Patrick’s Day (17th March).

Staff Wanted
Seasonal Staff required in Goleen
call 0866094244 or write to: for details.


Schull Rowing Club This month we are including a feature on Schull Rowing Club. This article was very kindly written by Noreen Byrne.
Contact details for the Club are: Clare 086 8773035, Bridget 086 0585490
or email

“When I moved back to Ballydehob last year I had visions that I would rejoin Schull Rowing Club and get out on the water once again. I first started rowing in 2001 when I was 13 and immediately fell in love with the sport. I was privileged enough to be a part of the club at a time when it enjoyed huge success. It was joyful to cheer on the ‘fastnet flyer’ as it was the first boat to cross the finish line for many of our teams on Sunday regattas. The success solidified the sense of community, the enthusiasm and the excitement of the club.

Now in my 30’s and having lived in Dublin for a number of years I moved home with my husband and daughter last year to achieve a better quality of life. In Enibas I was lucky enough to find myself working alongside the club secretary, who encouraged me to come along to a training session. I was nervous about what expectations current members might have of a former child rower but I was relieved to discover an extremely easy-going approach to people’s various skill and fitness levels. There is a lovely attitude at the moment in the club that everyone is welcome. Come along and give it a try, if you wish to become a member then your individual needs will be catered for; be it a gentle row or you’re an adrenaline junkie looking to feed your competitive spirit. While it was disappointing to discover how few members there are in comparison to what I remember as a teenager and how hard it has been to get teams together there have been aspects that I have found to be a pleasant surprise. It’s an extremely open club, everyone is welcome and I have had the opportunity to row with people from all types of backgrounds and all walks of life. Some of us even enjoy a guilt-free coffee and cake after a Saturday or Sunday morning training session, well earned after an hour pulling the boat through the harbour! As for the rowing itself it’s as satisfying and energetic a sport as I remember. There is nothing quite like the rhythm of four oars gliding through Schull harbour on a dusky summer’s evening or a bright and fresh Saturday morning. It’s wonderful for your peace of mind and would make anyone glad they live in such a beautiful place. The exercise is undeniably tough – you certainly feel the burn at times so you know for sure that you are doing your body good. I will be forced to take a step back for now with the pending arrival of my second baby but I plan on being back later in the year and look forward to having a team ready for Schull hosting the All Ireland championships in 2021, something that will hopefully reenergise the club, return some of the former glory days and can be enjoyed by all the community.”

Regular Happenings in Schull

Acapellabella Community Choir is a women’s choir that meets weekly at The Old Bank House in Schull from 7.30-9.30pm every Thursday. New members are very welcome – no previous experience needed. Contact Caz on 0831425599 or by email at for more info.

Pop-up Gaeltacht over coffee every Monday morning at 10am in Schull Harbour Hotel. Open to all and you only need a cúpla focal to participate.

Schull Bridge Club meets every Thursday evening at 8 to 11pm at the Satellite Centre (Old Boys School) Cost €5. Cash prizes. Free lessons (individual or group) are available – tel Martin on 028 28292 for info.

Fastnet Trails There are eight signed Walks branching out from the Schull Trailhead that is located at the entrance to the East End car park in Schull. These walks vary from easy to moderate in grade and they “offer the walker a unique tapestry of landscapes and seascapes, where every turn allows a fresh view of the heart of West Cork”

Outdoor Gym is located beside the Tennis Courts and is free to use by anyone over the age of 16.

Mizen Head opening hours for the winter are Weekends from 11am to 4pm. Enquiries to Mizen Information and e-Centre, Goleen on 028 35000.

Schull Tennis Club meets every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 9.30am at the Tennis Courts. New participants are always welcome.

Parking in Schull Free car parking is available in all the car parks in Schull. If you must park on the Main Street please observe the parking regulations and especially do not park on double yellow lines! There is a Traffic Warden on duty who carries out spot checks at random and will issue fines for parking offences.

Schull Primary School offers a morning and afternoon Club service. Contact 087 775 4254.

Schull Toddler Group meets every Thursday from 9.30 to 11.30am in the Parish Hall. For more information contact Katie Ward on 086 35 65 276.

Schull Tidy Towns Volunteers meet every Saturday morning at 10am to do a Litter Pick. Extra hands are always welcome. Meet at the front of the Pier Road Car Park – it’s only for a couple of hours. Ní neart go cur le chéile.

Shut Up & Write West Cork takes place Saturdays 10:30am – noon at Newman’s West pub (2nd floor). This international group offers a productive, safe space for writers anywhere in their process, whether they’re working on a novel, poem, journal, etc. There’s no critiquing. Show up, state what you’re working on, write quietly for an hour, then tell us how it went. Stay after the meeting if you feel chatty. It’s a fascinating mix of people. Feel free to join the group on Meetup to get updates at

Schull & District Community Council celebrates Lá Fhéile Pádraig

Ÿ ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE Tuesday 17th March at 2.30pm

Ÿ Grand Marshals this year are the Brú Columbanus Team.

Ÿ We encourage all businesses and private homes to decorate their windows in the spirit of St. Patrick. As always prizes for the best decorated business and private windows.

Ÿ Free face painting in the Parish Hall from 1pm for children and adults alike.
Ÿ Floats to organise at 1:45pm at the Garda Barracks (Entries accepted on the day –

free entry). Great prizes for adult and junior floats.

Ÿ Scoraíocht afterwards in the Parish Hall from 3:30pm with tea and coffee being served, everyone welcome to either watch or participate.

Ÿ Everyone please come along, dress up and help us celebrate our national day. Returning to Schull by popular demand

World Renowned Casting Directors Maureen Hughes and Ros Hubbard for a 2-Day Self Taping Masterclass at the Fastnet Film Fest May 2020.

A show-tape is an essential tool in the actor’s canon, and this workshop will develop the actor’s skills in mastering the technique, benefiting those hoping to audition here and abroad. Emerging and experienced actors will shoot one-to-one auditions with direction and critique from Maureen and Ros. She will give valuable advice on framing, sound, lighting, performance, packaging, and delivery.

The workshop will run Thurs 24th and Fri 25th of May from 10.00 – 16.00.
Places are limited so booking essential, just follow the link for further information:

or email

Schull Services

Schull Meals on Wheels at the Social Centre or delivered to your home. Phone Nuala at 086 3159719

Schull Credit Union Opening times – Tuesdays and Fridays 9:30 am – 12:30 and 1:30 – 5 pm. Saturday 9:30 am – 1 pm. Phone 028 28666

Derryconnell Civic Amenity Centre – Open Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am – 12:30 pm & 1:30 pm – 4:20 pm. Saturdays 9 am – 1 pm. Phone 028 37048

Bus Times Schull to Cork: Mondays – Saturdays 08:05, 12:40 and 17:50. Sunday 16:30 only. Departs from top of Main Street (outside the Film Centre/Old Bank). Also check Bus Éireann on line for up-to-date information. Route number is 237.

Free Wi-Fi There is free Wi-fi access in Schull village which is available by connecting to the Free_WiFi internet connection. This service is provided free of charge by our local internet service provider DigitalForge.

Mizen Medical Practice – all enquires and appointments phone 028 28311. Out of hours service phone SouthDoc 1850-335-999

Drinagh Pharmacy Schull – 028 – 28108

Defibrillators are located outside Brosnan’s Centra on Main Street, outside Schull Harbour Hotel, at the Pier and at the Garda Station.

AIB Mobile Community Banking – Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays Ballydehob – 9:30 am – 10:30 am. Schull – 10:45 am – 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm. ATMs in Schull outside Brosnan’s Centra and inside Centra.

Mass Times – Mondays and Fridays 9 am in Schull, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 am in Goleen, Wednesdays 10 am in Ballydehob. Saturday night Lowertown 8 pm. Sundays – Ballydehob 9:30 am, Schull 10:30 am and Goleen 12 noon.

Church of Ireland – Sundays Schull 10 am, Toormore 11:30 am, Ballydehob 11:30 am.

Schull Library Opening Hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – 2.30pm-5.30pm. Wednesday – 9.30am-1pm & 2pm-5.30-pm. Saturday – 9.30am-1:30pm. Closed on Saturdays of bank holiday weekends. Closed Mondays. Phone number 028 – 28290

Schull Garda Station – Office (028) 28111 or Mobile 087 980 2865. In the case of an emergency always call 999.

Recycling Facilities There is a collection point at the pier for bottles and cans. Clothing (ONLY) is accepted at the textile recycling point at the rear of the playschool/Church car park.

Public Toilets & Showers are located close to the Pier. Open from 8.30am to 8.30pm everyday. Showers cost €2 for a five minute shower.

Schull Coast Guard is on call 24/7. Call 999 or 112 if you are in trouble or if you see others that need assistance.

Editor’s Notes

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this month’s Newsletter. We are always delighted to receive updates from any club, business, society, group, voluntary committee, etc.

If you wish to place an Ad in the Newsletter it costs €10 for a Text only Ad and €20 for a quarter-page Ad (discount for multiple ads).

Please email your news items, ads or notification of upcoming events to on or before the 24th of each month.

This newsletter can be viewed online @ or



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