June 2019 Newsletter

Welcome to the June edition of Schull District and Community Council Newsletter.

May was a very busy month in Schull. The weather has been lovely, the days are longer, the town is getting into summer mode and the school year is almost over. Houses and businesses have been painted and window boxes are blooming. June typically brings sunshine and State Exams! We wish all Junior Cert and Leaving Cert students the very best for the next few weeks. June also brings the many athletes participating in the Triathlon. We hope they enjoy their visit to Schull and wish them well in the event.

Fastnet Film Festival The eleventh Fastnet Film Festival took place from the 22nd to the 26th of May.

For ve days the town was a riot of colour as bunting and banners ew in the sunshine. Businesses decorated their windows with suitably cinematic themes and many premises exchanged their names to become temporary cinemas. It was possible to stroll from the Adelphi to the Plaza to the Odeon.

Roddy Doyle, Carl Davis and Saoirse Ronan could be spotted enjoying the atmosphere, lunching or kayaking. Not all of them did all of these things of course, but it was that kind of an event.

Hundreds of young filmmakers and aspiring filmmakers came to exchange ideas and to learn from the experts in the business. There were feature films, lectures, readings and workshops and lots and lots of short movies. These were shown continuously in several venues so that it would have been possible, if one were very dedicated, to see every one of the 300 plus submissions. Maurice Coughlan turned part of his Long Island home into a cinema for the festival and ferried patrons across the channel from Colla Pier. Next year there will be a new category for films in Irish and Cape Clear Island will be taking part in the Festival.

The five days started and ended with great parties to which everybody was welcome, no invitations were necessary. The opening celebration was in Grove House and the wrap party was in the Schull Harbour Hotel. Food, drink and music were provided at both celebrations. Everyone – prizewinners, participants and ordinary punters – went home happy after Five wonderful days of good-humoured, well- behaved celebrations. A measure of the success of the Fastnet Film Festival is the fact that Saoirse Ronan has accepted the invitation to become a patron of the event. Exciting news!

A big thank you is extended to the tireless organisers and to the many volunteers who worked so hard to create the Festival.

The FFF Committee wishes to say a huge Thank You to all the people of Schull and for their fantastic support before and during the Festival.  Here’s to Festival number 12 in May 2020.

So Schull Darkness Into Light 5km Walk

What an achievement!

Over 500 people took part in theDarkness into Light Walk in Schull. What a fantastic event – raising awareness that we are not alone, there is always someone you can call on. It showed that people really do care. To see the crowds that got out of bed at 4.15am and walk in unity speaks volumes. The organisers were blown away by the positive vibe on the morning. It was just amazing and very touching and it means a lot to have got the walk to Schull. We can be proud to be a part of such a community. A grand total of €12,000 was raised so a big thank you to all who registered and donated and all who worked hard behind the scenes to make this a success. Well done one and all. The monies raised go towards the cost of providing free services to people by Pieta House. The banner of hope is on display in Brosnan’s Centra on the back wall on the way out to the carpark. Anyone who participated in the walk is asked to sign his or her name. Mark the date for next year’s event in your calendar – 9th May 2020. PIETA HOUSE: Free call 1800 247 247 or Text Help to 51444. Email mary@pieta.ie or visit pieta.ie

Brosnan’s Centra Fastnet Triathlon is taking place on Saturday 8th June and Schull will be busy with athletes and supporters. Now in its 15th year, the races will start at 10:30 with swimmers starting at the College slip. This year there is a shorter Try-a-Tri event running at the same time so please come along and cheer on all participants. The cycle will head out towards Toormore, those doing the Try-a-Tri will be turning at Lowertown Church. The run route will be out along the Colla Road for all competitors and then nishing at the college. There’s still time to sign up on www.triathlonireland.com and if you would be willing to marshal please contact Catherine Arundel or Linda Morgan. More volunteers are needed this year with the extra Try-a-Tri event. Supporters will see plenty of action at the transition area in the College and please be mindful of extra cars on the road and parking restrictions on the route. There should be plenty of Craic that evening in Schull, here’s to a great event once again.

Tourist Office During June, July and August the Discover Schull Tourist Office will be based in the Film Centre. The Tourist Office is financially supported by Schull Business & Tourism Association, Schull District & Community Council and grant-aided by Cork County Council. All of the volunteers give freely of their time. It is an invaluable service to our visitors and tourists – in spite of all the information available online, the personal interaction is still so important. If you have some spare time and would like to volunteer a few hours please get in touch.

Schull Historic Town Map Keep an eye out for a new information leaet on Schull’s historical past. This Historic Map of Schull was a collaborative effort between Schull Tidy Towns and Cork County Council. Work commenced on it towards the end of last summer. As the Schull area is steeped in History, dozens of potential sites were identied, researched and photographed. The work continued relentlessly throughout the winter and spring months as draft after draft was produced. Eventually harsh decisions had to be made and the number of sites was reduced to final 30 as are seen on the map. A special thanks must go out to Cork County Council, especially the County Archaeologist Mary Sleeman. Equally the Map would not have been possible with the dedication of Schull Tidy Towns especially Maura Allen and Jenny Pyburn, and the incredible knowledge and enthusiasm of Jim O’Keeffe, Jo Ahern and Moira Moyhihan. It is a beautiful publication and a great source of information for locals and visitors.

Flag Day Schull District and Community Council will hold a Flag Day on June 15th to raise funds for the Defibrillator Group. Please support this essential service by donating at the collection points at the front and rear of Brosnan’s Centra Supermarket.

Tidy Towns Competition time has started for both the County Litter Challenge and National Tidy Towns. These will be on-going for the months of June, July and August. Every Saturday morning Tidy Towns volunteers do a Litter Pick and additional hands are always very welcome. Meet at Pier Road Car Park at 10am – it’s only for a couple of hours.

Swift Conservation People may have noticed the big round Swift Conservation Plaque on the side of Schull Dental Surgery. Nellie Cotter of the Little Way Charity Shop arranged for two Swift nestboxes to be placed high up on the wall last June.

She also arranged for two nestboxes to be erected at the Schull National School. The Swifts are now back in Schull and we hope they will use the boxes this year.

Talking of Swifts, BirdWatch Ireland West Cork branch is running a Swift Project which seeks to record as many Swift nest sites in West Cork as possible over the summer. If you are interested in this project, please email swiftproject@birdwatchirelandwestcork.ie

Mizen Scouts In May eight young scouts from Mizen Scout group, based in Ballydehob, competed in the West Cork County Shield at Brinny Campsite near Innishannon.

Over 2 nights and 3 days scouts from around West Cork dazzled judges with their camping and backwoods skills. While a patrol from Innishannon Scouts won the competition, the Mizen Scouts were recognised for best scouting spirit on the camp. Mizen scouts are based in Ballydehob, meeting in the community hall and at An Sanctóir, but their catchment area covers the whole Mizen peninsula and as far east as Skibbereen and even Baltimore.

For further information, contact Mizen Scouts at mizenscouts@gmail.com

Schull Regatta Fund-raising Quiz The Regatta committee is holding a Table Quiz on Saturday June 22nd at 8.30pm in Newman’s West. The quiz will be followed by a Derry Girls-Inspired Disco. Lots of prizes including prizes for Best Dressed.

Bunratty United Soccer Club are running Soccer Summer Camps for girls and boys aged 6 to 16 from August 12th to 16th. For more details please phone 086 377 5194 or email martina.mc@live.ie

Drummond Consultants Things have been busy for Aisling Drummond in the last few weeks since she left her role at the hotel. Returning to her passion, sales and marketing, she has recently set up her own business with her husband, based in Ballydehob, assisting clients across the hospitality sector, from hotels to festivals, with their sales needs. Two key issues face SME’s at the moment; Often there is no budget to employ a full-time sales and marketing professional, and even when there is, recruiting the right candidate can be tough. That’s where she comes in! Aisling would like to thank everyone who made her time in Schull so memorable over the last couple of years and for the outpouring of friendship and support in the last couple of weeks. You can contact her on 086 8907156 or aisling@drummondconsultants.ie

Local Election Congratulations to Schull woman Katie Murphy who is one of our newly elected County Councillors.

The New Haven was in celebratory mode recently as Jean-Michel and his team celebrated 30 years of business in Schull. Continued success to The New Haven Restaurant for many more years to come.

Atlantic School of English and Active Leisure are seeking friendly and caring hosts (families, singles/couples) in 2019. Since 1999 ASEAL have offered a unique, all- inclusive language, leisure & lifestyle experience to adults (year-round), young kiddies, juniors, teenagers (Easter/Summer). Up to 3 guests per home allowed. Also chance to host entire small families if you have the space. Location in very easy reach of Schull is essential. If you would like to be part of the ASEAL hosting team please get in contact. Email homestay19@atlantic-english.com or Text 086-8537888 or 085 8079584 or Phone 028-27714 (office hours 9am – 5pm Mon to Fri) Alternatively call in to Atlantic School of English and Active Leisure, 10 Main Street, Schull, Co. Cork.

What’s on in Schull

Blue House Gallery This month in the Blue House Gallery – Friday 14th June – ‘Coilin Murray’ exhibition opening downstairs and ‘Out of this earth’ ceramic group show upstairs. Also in the Boiler Room gallery – Catherine Weld. Opening on 28th June ‘The Sherkin Show’ – 2008-2012′ curated by Janet Murran (over both floors) and also Frieda Meaney in the Boiler Room gallery.

Country Market The Schull Country Market operates every Sunday from 10am until 2pm in the Pier Road Car Park.

Schull Primary School Now have a morning and afternoon Club Service available. Contact 087 7754254.

Schull Bridge Club We have 5/6 tables in the Parochial Hall every Thursday evening at 8 to 11 p.m. cost €5. Cash prizes. Free lessons (individual or group) are available – tel 028 28292.

Schull Parents and Toddlers Group This group has nished for the summer months.

Fastnet Trails There are eight signed Walks branching out from the Schull Trailhead that is located at the entrance to the East End car park in Schull. These walks vary from easy to moderate in grade and they “offer the walker a unique tapestry of landscapes and seascapes, where every turn allows a fresh view of the heart of West Cork”

Outdoor Gym is located beside the Tennis Courts and is free to use by anyone over the age of 16.

Schull Yawl Rowing Club For enquiries about joining contact Clare on 086 877 3035

Schull Tennis Club meets every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 9.30am at the Tennis Courts. New participants are always welcome.

Schull Services

Schull Meals on Wheels at the Social Centre or delivered to your home. Phone Nuala at 086 3159719

Schull Credit Union Opening times – Tuesdays and Fridays 9:30 am – 12:30 and 1:30 – 5 pm. Saturday 9:30 am – 1 pm. Phone 028 28666

Derryconnell Civic Amenity Centre – Open Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am – 12:30 pm & 1:30 pm – 4:20 pm. Saturdays 9 am – 1 pm.

Free Wi-Fi There is free Wi- access in Schull village which is available by connecting to the Free_WiFi internet connection. This service is provided free of charge by our local internet service provider DigitalForge.

Mizen Medical Practice – all enquires and appointments phone 028 28311. Out of hours service phone SouthDoc 1850-335-999

Drinagh Pharmacy Schull – 028 – 28108

AIB Mobile Community Banking – Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays Ballydehob – 9:30 am – 10:30 am. Schull – 10:45 am – 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm. ATMs in Schull outside Brosnan’s Centra and inside Centra.

Schull Library Opening Hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – 2.30pm-5.30pm. Wednesday – 9.30am-1pm & 2pm-5.30-pm. Saturday – 9.30am-1:30pm. Closed on Saturdays of bank holiday weekends. Closed Mondays. Phone number 028 – 28290.

Schull Garda Station – 028 – 28111

Public Toilets & Showers are located close to the Pier.

Schull Coast Guard is on call 24/7. Call 999 or 112 if you are in trouble or if you see others that need assistance.


Mass Times

Our much loved and respected Librarian, Mr. Jerry Kennelly, retires from his position as Head Librarian in Schull Library on this Friday the 31st of May.

Jerry has been with us since 2009 and has injected new life and energy into the Schull Branch.

Thank you for your dedicated service, help and consummate professionalism over the last 10 years. You will truly BE missed!

Mondays and Fridays Schull 9 am

Tuesdays and Thursdays Goleen 10 am

Wednesdays Ballydehob 10 am

Saturday Lowertown 8pm

Sundays Ballydehob 9.30am Schull 10:30 am Goleen 12 noon

Church of Ireland Services Sundays

Schull 10 am, Toormore 11:30 am, Ballydehob 11:30 am.

Bus Times Schull to Cork:

Mondays – Saturdays 08:05, 12:40 and 17:50. Sunday 16:30 only. Departs from top of Main Street (outside the Film Centre/Old AIB Bank). Also check Bus Éireann on line for up-to-date information. Route number is 237.

SCHULL & DISTRICT COMMUNITY COUNCIL www.schullcommunitycouncil.ie RECYCLE your unwanted CLOTHING and TEXTILES

Bring your clothing

NATIONAL SCHOOLand textiles that are unsuitable for resale to the container at the back of the Old Boys’ School in Schull.






This project is in conjunction with the Little Way Charity Shop.

Editor’s Notes

Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to this month’s N ew slet ter . We are alway s delighted to receive updates from any club, business, society, group, voluntary committee, etc.

If you wish to place an Ad in the Newsletter it costs €10 for a Text only Ad and €20 for a quarter-page Ad.

Please email your news items or notication of upcoming events to schullnewsle er@gmail.com on or th before the 24 of each month.




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