
October 2019 Newsletter

Issue 57 October 2019 

Published by Schull & District Community Council

Welcome to the October edition of Schull District and Community Council Newsletter. 

Summer is certainly over. Mornings and evenings are crisper and the days are shorter. Welcome Winter! There’s something very comforting about drawing curtains and lighting fires and putting on warm socks and cosy jumpers.

On Sunday, September 29th the Schull Country Market took place for the last time in 2019. It was a perfect day, warm and sunny and everyone took advantage of the opportunity to wander, taste and chat. We will miss our lovely market. We look forward to Easter when the stallholders and their wonderful produce will return for the summer.

Instead of looking back to the summer we are looking forward to the many winter happenings.

In mid-October PlayActing Theatre Productions and Schull Drama Group are performing Peter Schaffer’s play “Amadeus”. Miss this at your peril, it will be exciting and innovative and a feast for the senses.

Planning is already underway for Hallowe’en. There are lots of ideas for making it fun for everyone, no matter what age they are. Hallowe’en has become a very special event in Schull and many families come here for the mid-term holiday to enjoy the fun along with those of us who live here all the time. From nightfall on October 31st the town is populated by ghosts and monsters and vampires of every age. The littlest are barely toddlers and we won’t even begin to speculate about the possible age of the elder lemons. The wonderful thing is that it is so safe for everyone. The whole affair is full of fun and good humour. The treats are handed out with great generosity and sugar-fuelled small people have a wonderful time. So do the so-called grown-ups. The ingenuity and originality of all the costumes is incredible. We hope that this year will be even better than last year and that was spectacular. There will be prizes for the best costumes of course. All that hard work has to be acknowledged.

Summer visitors often wonder what we do here in the winter. The answer is LOTS!

So put on that warm gansey, go for a brisk walk along the shore, or a swim if you dare, and then come home, draw the curtains and gather round the fire.

The children who started at Scoil Mhuire NS at the end of August are now well settled in. Our primary school is a remarkably happy place. The school buzzes with creativity and energy. There is a huge amount of credit due to the staff who create this wonderful environment for the children of Schull. Hurrah to everyone. We really appreciate what you do every day.

We are very happy to welcome a potential Junior Infant for the class of 2024.

Óisín Michael O’Leary/O’Callaghan was born at the end of September. Congratulations to him and to his parents, David O’Callaghan and Sharon O’Leary.

Congratulations also to four people who are beginning married life. Best wishes to Laura Cronin and Martin Hunt and their families, and to Nora Kingston and Diarmuid (Bengy) O’Callaghan and their families also. Long life and happiness to everyone.

Congratulations to the Tidy Towns committee on achieving a well deserved 301 points in this year’s competition. They got an increase in each category which is no easy feat. It is good that their hard work is appreciated by the Tidy Towns judges, and not just by all of us who live in and visit Schull.

Climate Strike Schull Community College As hundreds of thousands of people around the globe took to the streets as part of the Global Climate Strike on September 20th, students at Schull Community College were joined by their teachers, parents and members of the Mizen community in a protest march to show solidarity with their peers across the world. The march, which proceeded through Schull and returned to the college via the foreshore walk, was organised by the Schull Community College Global Climate Change Action Group to highlight the need for radical action climate change.

Schull & District Community Council (SDCC) will hold its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday October 23rd in the Satellite Centre (Old Boys School) at 8pm. This meeting is open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend.

The Pobal Hub Schull group has now been brought in under the auspices of the SDCC. Pobal Hub is a group whose aim is to foster the artistic community and to offer the people of this rural area the opportunity to express their artistic creativity. The group meets regularly to collaborate on the development of the arts in Schull and to further a shared vision for greater links, relationships and opportunities between the many varied artists and bodies in existence here.

The Schull 2019 Christmas baubles have been ordered and we hope to have them available for sale in time for the Halloween weekend. This year we also hope to have them available online so that our many friends and families abroad can celebrate Christmas with a little bit of Schull. This year’s bauble has been designed by Sabine Lenz and features her trademark love of script and the Irish language. This is a fund-raising project for SDCC and all the proceeds go back to our community.

Exciting Amadeus production coming to Schull! PlayActing Theatre and Schull Drama Group are collaborating to stage a contemporary and dynamic production of the Peter Shaffer award winning play, Amadeus, in Schull Parish Hall. Director Karen Minihan and designer Julia Zagar have brought together a talented cast and crew from all over West Cork, some who have never been involved in the theatre and others who are more experienced. The production team is mixing different disciplines and approaches, exploring gender roles, and have encouraged involvement from everyone who elected to be part of this relevant, challenging and inclusive production. The cast is supported by a huge committed back stage troupe of designers, makers, builders and technicians who are bringing their skills to this fabulous production.

The play, with a cast of eighteen actors, is set in the Viennese court, a place obsessed with its own cultural expertise and extravagant beauty. Courtiers jostle for privilege. Egos collide. The delicate balance of power is undermined when musical prodigy Mozart arrives in their midst. Gossip swirls through the palace, races along the backstreets. The naive and uninhibited Mozart has no idea of the enemies that surround him. Court composer, Antonio Salieri, is incensed by the ease with which Mozart pours forth the fruits of his genius. To what lengths will a jealous man be driven?

Part-funded by Cork County Council Arts Ofce, this spectacle will have six performances over two weekends in October. Curtain will be at 8 pm on the Fridays and Saturdays, October the 11th, 12th, 18th and 19th, and at 5 pm for two matinee performances on Sunday 13th and 20th. Tickets are available on the door and doors open 30 minutes before show start time.

Read the Amadeus Project Blog: https://karenminihan.wordpress.com

Follow on Facebook: Facebook/PlayActingTheatre and Facebook/SchullDramaGroup

Hallowe’en Happenings Another exciting Hallowe’en night this year in Skull is centred around the prestigious death-defying “Fire Inferno” group from West Cork. Their fire performance will take place at 7pm in the Pier Road car park. Build up to this exciting show around the village with the scarifying mini-events, the usual trick-or-treating, a Kiddies Disco in the Parish Hall from 5.30pm til 7pm, and scary movies at the Film Centre. There will be prizes for the best adult and kid’s costumes as well as a pumpkin carving competition. So get dressed up and come along and enjoy the night in Skull.

Fastnet Film Festival on Hallowe’en Evening will screen a Tim Burton double bill at st the Film Centre on October 31 . Corpse Bride at 4pm for younger audiences and Sweeney Todd at 8.15pm for adults. The place will be suitably spooky to mark the night that’s in it.

Schull Foróige Club will be resuming shortly. As our current Head leader will not be returning next year and a number of our current leaders also finishing – the club will require a new team to continue into the future. Currently we can offer no NEW members a place going forward unless a new head leader is found and have 4/5 others parents to help in the facilitating of the club nights/outings.

If anyone is interested in getting more information about running the club etc. please contact Angela on 086 3533 122 or any of the other club leaders.

Grove House will remain open at weekends for the winter, serving lunch and dinner. For bookings please phone 028 28067.

Scoraíocht & Company’s monthly session in Newman’s Corner House will take place on Thursday 24th at 8pm. The theme for this month is “Samhain”. As always everyone is invited to come along and enjoy an evening of shared stories, songs, recitals, recitations and maybe an actor or two. For more information check out the Facebook page Scoraíocht & Company.

Schull/Le Guilvinec Twinning group is seeking potential hosts to host some French th th guests in April of next year (April 11 to 18 ). If you are interested in hosting a French guest please email . The group will be florencenewman@hotmail.com holding its AGM in November. All welcome.

Schull Chevals are holding a Fundraising event in aid of Huntington Disease on th Sunday 12 October starting at 12 noon. Assembling at Lowertown Church, they will take the scenic route out Colla Road, along Main Street to the Old Boys School, then back up Main Street to Air Hill, Gubbeen and back to Lowertown. There will be music and refreshments afterwards at O’Regan’s Bar. For more details contact Nuala on 085 7266 956 and Facebook page WestCorkChevals.

Schull Community College Parent’s Association will hold a meeting on Monday th October 14 at 8pm in the school.

Shut Up & Write West Cork This new writer’s support group aims to build nd community and inspire you to write! Starting November 2 , the group meets Saturdays 10:30-12 @Newman’s West upstairs. It’s free admission but please arrive early and order food or drink. After introductions, the timer goes off and everyone writes without talking for an hour. Stay after to celebrate and socialize. Please RSVP or message organizer Jeanne Sullivan Billeci at www.meetup.com/Shut-Up-Write-West-Cork

Schull Toddler Group is re-opening on Thursday 3rd October and will run each week in the Parish Hall from 9.30 to 11.30am. Tea, coffee and a healthy snack are provided. Cost is €5 per family and everyone is very welcome. For more information contact Katie Ward on 086 35 65 276.

Tidy Towns were delighted to be awarded an additional 8 points in this year’s competition, receiving extra points in every category in the competiton. This is a super achievement – thanks go to everybody who helped in achieving this result.

Volunteers meet every Saturday morning at 10am to do a Litter Pick. Extra hands are always welcome. Meet at the front of the Pier Road Car Park – it’s only for a couple of hours. Ní neart go cur le chéile.

Schull Rowing Club is seeking new members. If interested please contact the following emails: or chair.schull.rowing@gmail.com secretary.schull.rowing@gmail.com

What’s on in Schull 

Acapellabella Community Choir is a women’s choir that meets weekly at The Old Bank House in Schull from 7.30-9.30pm every Thursday. New members are very welcome – no previous experience needed. Contact Caz on 0831425599 or by email at for more info. cazjeffreys@gmail.com

Country Market The Schull Country Market has now finished up for the winter months. We will keep you posted on any special markets happening at Christmas, closer to the time.

Schull Bridge Club meets every Thursday evening at 8 to 11pm at the Satellite Centre (Old Boys School) Cost €5. Cash prizes. Free lessons (individual or group) are available – tel Martin on 028 28292 for info.

Schull Drama Group Schull performances of Amadeus on Friday 11th and 18th , Saturday 12th and 19th (start time 8pm) and on Sunday 13th and 20th (start time 5pm) in the Parish Hall.

Fastnet Trails There are eight signed walks branching out from the Schull Trailhead that is located at the entrance to the East End car park in Schull. These walks vary from easy to moderate in grade and they “offer the walker a unique tapestry of landscapes and seascapes, where every turn allows a fresh view of the heart of West Cork”

Outdoor Gym is located beside the Tennis Courts and is free to use by anyone over the age of 16.

Schull Tennis Club meets every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 9.30am at the Tennis Courts. New participants are always welcome.

Parking in Schull Free car parking is available in all the car parks in Schull. If you must park on the Main Street please observe the parking regulations and especially do not park on double yellow lines! There is a Trafc Warden on duty who carries out spot checks at random and will issue nes for parking offences.

Schull Primary School offers a morning and afternoon Club service. Contact 087 775 4254.

Schull Toddler Group meets every Thursday from 9.30 to 11.30am in the Parish Hall. For more information contact Katie Ward on 086 35 65 276.

Schull Services 

Schull Meals on Wheels at the Social Centre or delivered to your home. Phone Nuala at 086 3159719

Schull Credit Union Opening times – Tuesdays and Fridays 9:30 am – 12:30 and 1:30 – 5 pm. Saturday 9:30 am – 1 pm. Phone 028 28666

Derryconnell Civic Amenity Centre – Open Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am – 12:30 pm & 1:30 pm – 4:20 pm. Saturdays 9 am – 1 pm.

Bus Times Schull to Cork: Mondays – Saturdays 08:05, 12:40 and 17:50. Sunday 16:30 only. Departs from top of Main Street (outside the Film Centre/Old Bank). Also check Bus Éireann on line for up-to-date information. Route number is 237.

Free Wi-Fi There is free Wifi access in Schull village which is available by connecting to the Free_WiFi internet connection. This service is provided free of charge by our local internet service provider DigitalForge.

Mizen Medical Practice – all enquires and appointments phone 028 28311. Out of hours service phone SouthDoc 1850-335-999

Drinagh Pharmacy Schull – 028 28108

Defibrillators are located outside Brosnan’s Centra on Main Street, outside Schull Harbour Hotel and at the Pier.

AIB Mobile Community Banking – Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays Ballydehob – 9:30 am – 10:30 am. Schull – 10:45 am – 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm. ATMs in Schull outside Brosnan’s Centra and inside Centra.

Mass Times – Mondays and Fridays 9 am in Schull, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 am in Goleen, Wednesdays 10 am in Ballydehob. Saturday night Lowertown 8 pm. Sundays – Ballydehob 9:30 am, Schull 10:30 am and Goleen 12 noon.

Church of Ireland Services – Sundays Schull 10 am, Toormore 11:30 am, Ballydehob 11:30 am.

Schull Library Opening Hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – 2.30pm-5.30pm. Wednesday – 9.30am-1pm & 2pm-5.30-pm. Saturday – 9.30am-1:30pm. Closed on Saturdays of bank holiday weekends. Closed Mondays. Phone number 028 – 28290

Schull Garda Station – Office (028) 28111 or Mobile 087 980 2865. In the case of an emergency always call 999.

Recycling Facilities There is a collection point at the pier for bottles and cans. Clothing (ONLY) is accepted at the textile recycling point at the rear of the playschool/Church car park.

Public Toilets & Showers are located close to the Pier. Open from 8.30am to 8.30pm everyday. Showers cost €2 for a five minute shower.

Schull Coast Guard is on call 24/7. Call 999 or 112 if you are in trouble or if you see others that need assistance.

Editor’s Notes A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this month’s Newsletter. We are always delighted to receive updates from any club, business, society, group, voluntary committee, etc.

Unfortunately there was an error in last month’s edition that resulted in the exclusion of the names of two of the sponsors of the Schull Regatta. Our apologies to the sponsors – Seán & Rose O’Driscoll and Whelton Plant Hire.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading about the news and happenings in Schull. All feedback is much appreciated to any member of SDCC or by email to our email address below. If you wish to place an Ad in the Newsletter it costs €10 for a Text only Ad and €20 for a quarter-page Ad.

Please email your news items, ads or notification of upcoming events to schullnewsletter@gmail.com on or before the 24 th of each month.


West Cork Rural Transport 

to BANTRY from Schull

TUES. (10.20am)(2.20pm)

FRI. (10.20am)(2.40pm)

to SKIBBEREEN WED. (10.50am)

to GOLEEN WED.(2.30pm)



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